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Wexham Court

Primary School

Preparing every child to become a successful individual in an ever evolving world

Stars of the Week

The children below have been selected by their class teacher to be the star of the week. Well done and keep up the good work! 


Name & Reason 

Nursery AM

Zahra for improved listening, being able to follow instructions and demonstrating great scissor skills during the art sessions - Fantastic!​

Isma for working hard during group sessions, forming lovely relationships with her peers and finding her voice - Amazing!

Nursery PM

Yusha for trying really hard in phonics and improving his scissor control - Brilliant effort!​

Japneet for settling into the Nursery routine and beginning to make good relationships with her peers - Super!


Kenzie for demonstrating excellent sketching skills. Well done!


Haniya for trying really hard to follow the school rules by being ready, respectful and safe at all times.


Nishika for making excellent progress in phonics and writing!


Zayan for his polite mannerism and always striving for excellence in lessons.


Krishal for being brave when visiting his new school and for his growing confidence with new people. 


Hargun for being ready to learn. She has answered lots of questions during lessons in full sentences and remained very focused throughout the week.


Abhijot for showing great perseverance with his handwriting and phonics. 


Rayyan for being kind and caring towards a new child that has joined our class. 


Momin for persevering in his learning and working hard to settle into his new class.

South Africa

Harjeet for consistently being an exemplary role model for all the children in her class and continually striving for excellence.


Thomas for having a more mature attitude towards his learning and making a huge effort to concentrate in lessons. Well done!


Melissa for always showing respect in all that she does and being ready for all aspects of school life.


Adam for working hard on being ready to listen and learn. Also, for his use of expression during our performance poetry sessions.


Mehtab for trying hard to make better learning choices. 


Yousaf for settling into a new school and starting to embody the school values.


Ehsiah for being a constant role model throughout his time in Year 5 and for always striving for excellence.


Mohid for working hard in Maths all week and always pushing his learning further by taking on challenges. 


Menna for being a great team player during Sports Day and being resilient by playing on with an injury- well done!

Sri Lanka

Bryant for settling in brilliantly to Wexham Court.


Abiha for always putting in an exemplary amount of effort to her work.


Kyle for showing great dedication to his role in the Year 6 production and for demonstrating a great deal of maturity this week. 


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