Orienteering win for Wexham!
On Wednesday 29th April, Wexham Court Primary School recently took part in an inter school Orienteering competition at Langley Grammar School. Consisting of twelve Year 6 children, working in pairs, they had to navigate themselves around a set course. They were provided with a 2D map of the course they had to find their way around to the 14 points as fast as they could. I am very pleased to announce that our team completed this in the quickest time, achieving in 1st place. Winning a gold medal and certificate each, they will now move on to represent Slough in the Berkshire Games. I am very proud of the children and I hope you will join me in congratulating them as well as wishing them the best in their next challenge! I would also like to thank Mr Dhillon, our Sports Coach for organising the team.
Miss Mehat.