Year 5 Ufton Court Trip 2015
Please join us on Monday 9th March at 9.10am to hear more about this and the Hampton Court trip.
Preparing every child to become a successful individual in an ever evolving world
Please join us on Monday 9th March at 9.10am to hear more about this and the Hampton Court trip.
On Wednesday 14th January 2015, children in Year 2 attended a ‘Victorian School Day’.
I was delighted to see that Wexham Court Primary was one of the schools credited in The Slough Observer this week for having raised attainment of Reading, Writing and Maths at level 4 by 18%. I have attached the article for you as it is always nice to hear good news. A summary of the results can be found here.
Miss Mehat
The Policy for Cycling to school is now available in the Policies section of the school website.
For any other information please visit,